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7.1. Литература к главе «Эпидемиология»

1. Bohr J, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Järnerot G. Collagenous colitis in Orebro, Sweden, an epidemiological study 1984–1993. Gut 1995;37:394–397.

2. Olesen M, Erickson S, Bohr J, Jarnerot G, Tysk C. Microscopic colitis: a common diarrheal disease. An epidemiological study in Orebro, Sweden, 1993–1998. Gut. 2004;53:364–350.

3. Vigren L, Olesen M, Benoni C, Sjöberg K. An epidemiological study of collagenous colitis in southern Sweden from 2001–2010. World J Gastroenterol. 2012;18 (22):2821–6.

4. Pardi DS, Loftus EV Jr, Smyrk TC, Kammer PP, Tremaine WJ, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Melton LJ 3rd, Sandborn WJ. The epidemiology of microscopic colitis: a population based study in Olmsted Counta, MN. Gut. 2007;56:504–508.

5. Gentile NM, Khanna S, Loftus EV Jr, Smyrk TC, Tremaine WJ, Harmsen WS, Zinsmeister AR, Kammer PP, Pardi DS. The epidemiology of microscopic colitis in Olmsted County from 2002 to 2010: a population-based study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014; 12 (5):838–42.

6. Fernandez-Banares F, Salas A, Forne M, Esteve M, Espinos J, Viver JM. Incidence of collagenous and lymphocytic colitis — A 5-year population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol. 1999;94:418–423.

7. Fernandez-Banares F. Epidemiology of microscopic colitis. In: Jewell DP, Colombel J-F, Pena AS, Tromm A, Warren B. Colitis: Diagnosis und therapeutic strategies. Springer-Verlag, Dordrecht, The Netherlands 2006:25–32.

8. Agnarsdottir M, Gunnlaugsson O, Orvar KB, Cariglia N, Birgisson S, Bjornsson S, Thorgeirsson T, Jonasson JG. Collagenous and lymphocytic colitis in Iceland. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2002;47:1122–1128.

9. Williams JJ, Kaplan GG, Makhija S, Urbanski SJ, Dupre M, Panaccione R, Beck PL. Microscopic colitis defining incidence rates and risk factors: a population-based study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatic 2008;6:35–40.

10. Pardi DS, Kelly CP. Microscopic colitis. Gastroenterology 2011;140:1155–1165.

 7.2. Литература к главе «Патоморфология»

1. Libbrecht L, Croes R, Ectors N, Staels F, Geboes K. Microscopic colitis with giant cell. Histopathology 2002; 40:335–338.

2. Rubio CA, Lindholm J. Cryptal lymphocytic colo-proctitis: a new phenotype of lymphocytic colitis? J Clin Pathol 2002; 55:138–140.

3. Warren BF, Edwards CM, Travis SP. «Microscopic colitis»: classification and terminology. Histopathology 2002; 40:374–376.

4. Goldstein NS, Bhanot P. Paucicellular and asymptomatic lymphocytic colitis. Am J Clin Pathol 2004; 122:405–411.

5. Yuan S, Reyes V, Bronner MP. Pseudomembranous collagenous colitis. Am I Surg Pathol 2003; 27:1375–1379.

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7. Hochter W, Seib HJ, Elster K, Kaduk B, Ottenjann R. Kollagene Colitis. Dtsch Med Wschr 1982; 17:257–260.

8. Aigner T, Neureiter D, Muller S, Kuspert G, Belke F, Kirchner T. Extracellular matrix composition and gene expression in collagenous colitis. Gastroenterology 1997; 113:136–143.

9. Gunther U, Schuppan D, Bauer M, Matthes H, Stall-mach A, Schmitt-Graff A, Riecken EO, Herbst H. Fibro-genesis and fibrolysis in collagenous colitis — patterns of pro collagen types I and IV, matrixmetalloproteinase –1 and –13, andTIMP-1 gene expression. Am I Pathol 1999; 155:493–503.

10. Hwang WS, Kelly IK, Shaffer EA, Hershfield NB. Collagenous colitis: a disease of percryptal fibroblast sheath? J Pathol 1986; 149:33–40.

11. Widgren S, Jlidi R, Cox JN. Collagenous colitis: histologic, morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultra-structural studies. Virchows Arch a Pathol Anat Histo-pathol 1988;413:287–296.

12. Armes J, Gee DC, Macrea FA, Schroeder W, Bathal PS. Collagenous colitis: jejunal and colorectal pathology. J Clin Pathol 1992; 45:784–787.

13. Tremaine WI. Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis. J Clin Gastroenterol 2000; 30:245–249.

14. Bohr J, Olesen M, Tysk C, Jarnerot G. Collagenous and lymphocytic colitis: a clinical and histopathological review. Can J Gastroenterol 2000; 14:943–947.

15. Jessurun J, Yardley JH, Giardiello FM, Hamilton S, Bayless TM. Chronic colitis with thickening of the subepithelial collagen layer (collagenous colitis): histopathologic findings in 15 patients. Human Pathol 1987; 18:839–848.

16. Lazenby AJ, Yardley JH, Giardiello FM, Jessurun J, Bayless TM. Lymphocytic («microscopic») colitis: a comparative histopathologic study with particular reference to collagenous colitis. Hum Pathol 1989; 20:18–28.

17. Carpenter HA, Tremaine WJ, Batts KP, Czaja AJ. Sequential histologic evaluations in collagenous colitis: correlations with disease behaviour and sampling strategy. Dig Dis Ci 1992;37:1903–1909.

18. Offner FA, Jao RV, Lewin KJ, Havelec L, Weinstein WM. Collagenous colitis: a study of the distribution of morphological abnormalities and their histological detection. Hum Pathol 1999; 30:451–457.

19. Tanaka M, Mazzoleni G, Riddell HR. Distribution of collagenous colitis: utility of flexible sigmoidoscopy. Gut 1992;33:65–70.

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21. Lee E, Schiller LR, Vendrell D, Santa Ana С A, Fordtran JS. Subepithelial collagen table thickness in colon specimen from patients with microscopic colitis and collagenous colitis. Gastroenterology 1992; 103:1790–1796.

22. Muller S, Neureiter D, Stolte M, Verbeke C, Heuschmann P, Kirchner T, Aigner T. Tenascin: a sensitive and specific diagnostic marker of minimal collagenous colitis. Virchows Arch 2001; 438:435–441.

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25. Lagorce-Pages C, Fabiani B, Bouvier R, Scoazec JY, Durand L, Flejou JF. Collagenous gastritis: a report of six cases. Am I Surg Pathol 2001; 25:1174–1179.

26. Meier PN, Otto P, Ritter M, Stolte M. Collagenous duodenitis and ileitis in a patient with collagenous colitis. Leber Magen Darm 1991; 21:231–232.

27. Sapp H, Ithamukkala S, Brien TP, Ayata G, Shaz B, Dorman DM, Wang JJ, Antonioli DA, Farraye FA, Odze RD. The terminal ileum is affected in patients with lymphocytic or collagenous colitis. Am J Surg Pathol 2002; 1484–1492.

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35. Sylwestrowicz T, Kelly JK, Hwang WS, Shaffer EA. Collagenous colitis and microscopic colitis: the watery diarrhea-colitis syndrome. Am J Gastroenterol 1989; 84: 763–768.

36. Giardiello FM, Lazenby AJ, Bayless TM, Levine EJ, Bias WB, Ladenson PW, Hutcheon DF, Derevjanik NL, Yardley JH. Lymphocytic (microscopic) colitis. Clinico-pathologic study of 18 patients and comparison to collagenous colitis. Dig Dis Sci 1989; 34:1730–1738.

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38. Kusnik ВТ. Untersuchungen zum Verlauf der lym-phozytaren mikroskopischen Kolitis. Inaugural-Dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Niirnberg 2007.

39. Fernandez-Banares F, Salas A, Forne M, Estreve M, Espinos JC, Viver JM. Incidence of collagenous and lymphocytic colitis: a 5-year population-based study. Am J Gastroenterol 1999; 94:418–423.

40. Agnarsdottir M, Gunnlaugsson O, Orvar KB, Cariglia N, Birgisson S, Bjornsson S, Thorgeirsson T, Jonasson JG. Collagenous and lymphocytic colitis in Iceland. Dig Dis Sci 2002;47:1122–1128.

41. Bogomoletz WV, Flejou J-F. Newly recognized forms of colitis: Collagenous colitis, microscopic (lymphocytic) colitis, and lymphoid follicular proctitis. Semin Diagn Pathol 1991; 8:178–189.

42. Einarsson K, Eusufzai S, Johansson U, Lofberg R, Theodorsson E, Veress B. Villous atrophy of distal ileum and lymphocytic colitis in a woman with bile acid malabsorption. Eur I Gastroenterol Hepatol 1992; 4:585–590.

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46. Wolber R, Owen D, Freeman H. Colonic lymphocytosis in patients with celiac sprue. Hum Pathol 1990; 21:10.92–1096.

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48. Koskella RM, Niemela SE, Karttunen TJ, Lehtola JK. Clinical characteristics of collagenous and lymphocytic colitis. Scand J Gastroenterol 2004; 39:837–845.

49. Olesen M, Eriksson S, Bohr J, Jarnerot G, Tysk C. Lymphocytic colitis: a retrospective clinical study of 199 Swedish patients. Got 2004; 53:536–541.

50. Olesen M, Eriksson S, Bohr J, Jarnerot G, Tysk. Lymphocytic colitis: a common diarrhoeal disease. An epidermological study in Orebro, Sweden, 1993–1998. Gut 2004; 53:346–350.

51. Pardi DS, Ramnath VR, Loftus EV jr., Tremaine WJ, Sandborn WJ. Lymphocytic colitis: clinical features, treatment and outcomes. Am J Gastroenterol 2002; 97: 2829–2833.

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54. Shaz BH, Reddy SI, Ayata G, Brien T, Farraye FA, Antonioli DA, Odze RD, Wang H. Sequential clinical in histopathological changes in collagenous and lymphocytic colitis over time. Mod Pathol 2004; 17:395–401.

 7.3. Литература к главе «Этиология и патогенез»

1. Pardi DS. Microscopic colitis: an update. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2004;10:860–70.

2. Bohr I, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Jarnerot G. Collagenous Colitis: Epidemiology, associated diseases and medical therapy. Gut 1994;35 (Suppl. 4): A2.

3. Bohr J, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Abrahamsson H, Jarnerot G. Collagenous colitis: a retrospective study of clinical presentation and treatment in 163 patients. Gut 1996 a; 39:846–51.

4. Fausa O, Forester A, Hovig T. Collagenous colitis: a clinical, histological and ultrastructural study. Scand J Gastroenterol 1985;20 (suppl 107):8–23.

5. Makinen M, Niemela S, Lehtola J, Karttunen TJ. Collagenous colitis and Yersinia enterocolitica infection. Dig Dis Sci 1998;43:1341–46.

6. Bohr J, Nordfelth R, Tysk C, Jarnerot G. Yersinia species in collagenous colitis: A serologic study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2002;37:711–4.

7. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Morgner A, Bethke B, Stolte M, Lehn N, Schneider-Brachert W. Relevanz von Yersinia-Outer-Membrane-Proteinen bei kollagener und lym-phozytarer Kolitis. Z Gastroenterol 2011; 49:1007–1026.

8. Tamboli CP, Good MR, Reynolds EM, Sharma P, Mitros FA. Anti-Yersinia antibodies are not associated with microscopic colitis in an American case-control study. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2011; 46:1442–8.

9. Ung KA, GillbergL, Kilander A, Abrahamsson H. Role of bile acids and bile acid binding agents in patients with collagenous colitis. Gut 2000;46:170–5.

10. Ung KA, Kilander A, Willen R, Abrahamsson H. Role of bile acids in lymphocytic colitis. Hepatogastroenterol-ogy 2002;49:432–7.

11. Ridell RH, Tanaka M, Mazzoleni G. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as a possible cause of collagenous colitis: a case-control study. Gut 1992;33:683–6.

12. Pardi DS, Ramnath VR, Lottos F.V Jr, Tremaine WJ, Sandborn WJ. Lymphocytic colitis: clinical features, treatment, and outcomes. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97: 2829–33.

13. Thomson RD, Lestina LS, Bensen SP, Toor A, Maheshwari Y, Ratcliffe NR. Lansoprazoke-Associated microscopic colitis: a case series. Am J Gastroenterol 2002;97:2908–13.

14. Mukherjee S. Diarrhea associated with lansoprazole. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003;18:602–3.

15. Chagnon JP, Cerf M. Simvastatin-induced protein-losing enteropathy. Am J Gastroenterol 1992;87:257.

16. Duncan HD, Talbot 1 С, Silk DBA. Collagenous colitis and cimetidine. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;9:819–20.

17. Fernandez-Banares F, Esteve M, Espinos JC, Rosi-nach M, Forne M, Salas A, Viver JM. Drug consumption and the risk of microscopic colitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2007;102:324–30.

18. Mahajan L, Wyllie R, Goldblum J. Lymphocytic colitis in a pediatric patient: a possible adverse reaction to carbamazepine. Am J Gastroenterol 1997;92:2126–7.

19. Vigren L, Sjoberg K, Benoni C, Tysk C, Bohr J, Kilander A, Larsson L, Strom M, Hjortswang H. Is smoking a risk factor for collagenous colitis? Scand J Gastroenterol. 2011;46(11):1334-9.

20. Fernández-Bañares F, de Sousa MR, Salas A, Beltrán B, Piqueras M, Iglesias E, Gisbert JP, Lobo B, Puig-Diví V, García-Planella E, Ordás I, Andreu M, Calvo M, Montoro M, Esteve M, Viver  JM. Epidemiological risk factors in microscopic colitis: a prospective case-control study. Inflamm

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21. Giardiello FM, Lazenby AJ, Yardley JH, Bias WB, Johnson J, Alianiello RG, Bedine MS, Bayless TM. Increased HLA A1 and diminished HLA A3 in lymphocytic colitis compared to controls and patients with collagenous colitis.Dig Dis Sci. 1992;37(4):496-9.

22. Ayata G, Ithamukkala S, Sapp H, Shaz BH, Brien TP, Wang HH, Antonioli DA, Farraye FA, Odze RD. Prevalence and significance of inflammatory bowel diseaselike morphological features in collagenous and lymphocytic colitis. Am I Surg Pathol 2002;26:1414–1423.

23. Madisch A, Hellmig S, Schreiber S, Bethke B, Stolte M, Miehlke S. NOD2/CARD15 gene polymorphisms are not associated with collagenous colitis. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2007;22:425–8.

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25. Hwang WS, Kelly K, Shaffer EA, Hershfield NB. Collagenous colitis: a disease of pericryptal fibroblast sheath? 1 Patho 1986; 149: 33–40.

26. Widgren S, Jlidi R, Cox JN. Collagenous colitis: histologic, morphmetric, immunohistochemical and ultra-structural studies. Virchows Arch a Pathol Anat Histo-pathol 1988;413:287–296.

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28. Aigner T, Neureiter D, Muller S, Kuspert G, Belke J, Kirchner T. Extracellular matrix composition and gene expression in collagenous colitis. Gastroenterology 1997; 113:136–143.

29. Gunther U, Schuppan D, Bauer M, Matthes H, Stall-mach A, Schmitt-Graff A, Riecken EO, Herbst H. Fibro-genesis and fibrolysis in collagenous colitis. Patterns of procollagen types I and IV, matrix-metalloproteinase-1 and –13, and TIMP-1 gene expression. Am J Pathol 1999;155:493–503.

30. Griga T, Tromm A, Schmiegel W, Pfisterer O, Muller KM, Brasch F. Collagenous colitis: implications for the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in repair mechanisms. Eur. J. Gastroenterol Hepatol 2004;16:397–402.

31. Madisch A, Hellmig S, Schreiber S, Bethke B, Stolte M, Miehlke S. Allelic variation of the matrix metallo-proteinase-9 gene is associated with collagenous colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011;17:2295–8.

32. Burgel N, Bojarski C, Mankertz J, Zeitz M, Fromm M, Schulzke JD. Mechanisms of diarrhea in collagenous colitis. Gastroenterology 2002;123:433–43.

7.4. Литература к главе «Клинические проявления»

1. Bohr I, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Abrahamsson H, Jarnerot G. Collagenous colitis — A retrospective study of clinical presentation and treatment in 163 patients. Gut. 1996; 39:846–851.

2. Bonderup OK, Folkersen BH, Gjersoe P, Teglbjaerg PS. Collagenous colitis: a long-term follow-up study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1999;11:493–495.

3. Madisch A, Miehlke S, Lindner M, Bethke B, Stolte M. Clinical Course of collagenous colitis over a period of 10 years. Z Gastroenterol. 2006;44:971–974.

4. Chan JL, Tersmette AC, Offerhaus GJA, Gruber SB, Bayless TM, Giardiello FM. Cancer risk in collagenous colitis. Inflamm. Bowel. Dis. 1999;5: 40–43.

5. Wolber R, Owen D, Freeman H. Colonic lymphocytosis in patients with celiac sprue. Hum Pathol 1990;21: 1092–1096.

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7. Green PH, Yang J, Cheng J, Lee AR, Harper JW, Bhagat G. An association between microscopic colitis and celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2009;7:1210–1216.

8. Stewart M, Andrews CN, Urbanski S, Beck PL, Storr M. The association of celiac disease and microscopic colitis: a large population-based study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2011; 33: 1340–1349.

 7.5. Литература к главе «Диагностика»

1. Marshall JB, Singh R, Diaz-Arias AA. Chronic, unexplained diarrhea: are biopsies necessary if colonoscopy is normal. Am. J. Gastroenterol. 1995;90:372–376.

2. Thijs WJ, van Baarlen J, Kleibeuker JH, Kolkman JJ. Microscopic colitis: prevalence and distribution throughout the colon in patients with chronic diarrhea. Neth. J. Med. 2005;63:137–140.

3. Tromm A. Microscopic colitis. Bremen: UNI–MED, 2012.

4. Andrews CN, Beck PL, Wilsack LH, Urbanski SJ, Storr M. Evaluation of endoscopist and pathologist factors affecting the incidence of microscopic colitis. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2012;26:515–520.

5. Pardi DS, Kelly CP. Microscopic colitis. Gastroenterology 2011;140:1155–1165.

6. Ingle SB, Adgaonkar BD, Ingle CR. Microscopic colitis: Common cause of unexplained non bloody diarrhea. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. 2014;5 (1):48–53.

 7.6. Литература к главе «Лечение»

1. Tromm A, Griga T, Mollmann HW, May B, Muller KM, Fisseler-Eckhoff A. Budesonide for the treatment of collagenous colitis: first results of a pilot trial. Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:1871–5.

2. Delarive J, Saraga E, Dorta G, Blum A. Budesonide in the treatment of collagenous colitis. Digestion 1998;59: 364–6.

3. Miehlke S, Heymer P, Bethke B, Bastlein E, Meier E, Bartram HP, Wilhelms G, Lehn N, Dorta G, DeLarive J, Tromm A, Bayerdorffer E, Stolte M. Budesonide treatment for collagenous colitis — a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial. Gastro-enterology 2002;123;978–84.

4. Baert F, Schmit A, D’Haens G, Dedeurwaerdere F, Louis E, Cabooter M, De Vos M, Fontaine F, Naegels S, Schurmans P, Stals H, Geboes K, Rutgeerts P. Budesonide in collagenous colitis — a double-blind placebo-controlled trial with histological follow-up. Gastroenterology 2002;122:20–5.

5. Bonderup OK, Hansen JB, Birket-Smith L, Vester-gaard V, Teglbjaerg PS, Fallingborg J. Budesonide treatment of collagenous colitis: a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial with morphometric analysis. Gut 2003;52:248–51.

6. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Bethke B, Morgner A, Kuhlisch E, Henker C, Vogel G, Andersen M, Meier E, Baretton G, Stolte M. Oral budesonide for maintenance treatment of collagenous colitis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Gastroenterology 2008;135:1510–6.

7. Bonderup OK, Hansen JB, Teglbjaerg PS, Christensen LA, Fallingborg JF. Long-term budesonide treatment of collagenous colitis — a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Gut 2009;58:68–72.

8. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Karimi D, Wonschik S, Kuhlisch E, Beckmann R, Morgner A, Mueller R, Greinwald R, Seitz G, Baretton G, Stolte M. Budesonide is effective in treating lymphocytic colitis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Gastroenterology 2009; 136:2092–100.

9. Pardi DS, Loftus EV, Tremaine WJ, Sandborn WJ. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of budesonide for the treatment of active lymphocytic colitis. Gastroenterol 2009;136: A519.

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12. Chande N, MacDonald IK, McDonald JW. Interventions for treating microscopic colitis: a Cochrane Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Functional Bowel Disorders Review Group systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Am J Gastroenterol 2009;104:235–41.

13. Stewart MJ, Seow CH, Storr MA. Prednisolone and budesonide for short- and long-term treatment of microscopic colitis: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2011;9:881–90.

14. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Bethke B, Stolte M. Time to remission with budesonide in collagenous colitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2005;21:1507–8.

15. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Voss C, Morgner A, Heymer P, Kuhlisch E, Bethke B, Stolte M. Long-term follow-up of collagenous colitis after induction of clinical remission with budesonide. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2005;22; 1115–9.

16. Miehlke S, Hansen IB, Madisch A, Schwarz F, Kuhlisch E, Morgner A, Teglbjaerg PS, Vieth M, Aust D, Bonderup OK. Risk factors for symptom relapse in collagenous colitis after withdrawal of short-term budesonide therapy. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013; 19(13):2763-7.

17. Olesen M, Eriksson S, Bohr J, Jarnerot G, Tysk C. Lymphocytic colitis: a retrospective clinical study of 199 Swedish patients. Gut 2004;53:536–41.

18. Bohr J, Tysk C, Eriksson S, Abrahamsson H, Jarnerot G. Collagenous colitis: a retrospective study of clinical presentation and treatment in 163 patients. Gut 1996;39: 846–51.

19. Calabrese C, Fabbri A, Areni A, Zahlane D, Scialpi C, Di Febo G. Mesalazine with or without cholestyramine in the treatment of microscopic colitis: randomized controlled trial. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007;22:809–14.

20. Miehlke S, Madisch A, Kupcinskas L, Petrauskas D, Böhm G, Marks HJ, Neumeyer M, Nathan T, Fernández-Bañares F, Greinwald R, Mohrbacher R, Vieth M, Bonderup OK; BUC-60/COC Study Group. Budesonide is more effective than mesalamine or placebo in short-term treatment of collagenous colitis. Gastroenterology. 2014;146:1222–30.

21. Munck LK, Kjeldsen J, Philipsen E, Fischer Hansen B. Incomplete remission with short-term prednisolone treatment in collagenous colitis: a randomized study. Scand I Gastroenterol 2003;38:606–10.

22. Fine К OF, Lee E, Lafon G, Tanzi M. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of bismuth subsalicylate for microscopic colitis Gastroenterology 1999; U6: A880.

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