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FODMAP tolerance — dietary reduction in irritable bowel syndrome — effectiveness, adherence and body weight course


The reduced FODMAP diet (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols) is one of the established strategies for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, the disadvantages of this diet are significant and can lead to weight loss and inadequate patient adherence. Reports from Germany are not yet available.


In a prospective study, 93 patients with IBS were examined in accordance with rum III. Sixty-three patients were selected for the study and received standardized research, informed consent and structured dietary instructions about the FODMAP reduced diet. Patient complaints were documented using a verified questionnaire and a standardized Likkert scale before and 8 weeks after the start of the diet. The characteristics of the chair were documented on the Bristol chair shape scale.


Patient commitment was low because 30 patients (47%) stopped dieting. Of the remaining 33 patients, 36% (n = 12) developed significant weight loss during FODMAP therapy. Patients who completed the study reported a significant global improvement in symptoms in 79% of cases (abdominal pain 85%, flatulence 79%, flatulence 69%, borbogimia 69%, nausea 46%, fatigue 69%). In addition, the severity of symptoms was significantly reduced. Fourteen patients developed changes in their stool characteristics according to the Bristol scale of stool shape, 11 of them had diarrhea improved and 3 improved constipation.


Reduced diet FODMAP — effective therapy for IBS. However, patient adherence is poor, and therapy carries the risk of significant weight loss.

Frieling T, Heise J, Krummen B, Hundorf C, Kalde S.
Z Gastroenterol. 2019 March 14
DoI: 10.1055 / a-0859−7531

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